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ZEN Shed Model


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The ZEN shed is a minimalist style shed with clean lines, without any compromise on storage space! It is available in sizes ranging from 48 to 128 square feet.

Zen Shed Dimensions

Plan cabanon Zen

Feet Meters


Sq.ft Sq.m

6′ x 8′ 1.82 x 2.44

7′ 10″ 2.3948 4.46

6′ x 10′ 1.82 x 3.05

7′ 10″ 2.3960 5.57

6′ x 12′ 1.82 x 3.66

7′ 10″ 2.3972 6.69

6′ x 14′ 1.82 x 4.27

7′ 10″ 2.3984 7.80

6′ x 16′ 1.82 x 4.88

7′ 10″ 2.3996 8.92

8′ x 8′ 2.44 x 2.44

7′ 10″ 2.3964 5.95

8′ x 10′ 2.44 x 3.05

7′ 10″ 2.3980 7.43

8′ x 12′ 2.44 x 3.66

7′ 10″ 2.3996 8.92

8′ x 14′ 2.44 x 4.27

7′ 10″ 2.39112 10.40

8′ x 16′ 2.44 x 4.88

7′ 10″ 2.39128 11.89